quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

Atualizações de rede do LinkedIn, 08/11/2012

Atualizações de rede, 1 de nov - 8 de nov
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Carlos Álvarez Acevedo RECURSOS ROBADOS POR ALGUIEN DE PEMEX: Pemex carece de recursos para evitar robo de combustibles: Secretario Energía http://ow.ly/f79L4
Pemex carece de recursos para evitar robo de combustibles: Herrera...
Sólo hay mil 500 trabajadores para supervisar 700 mil km de ductos CIUDAD DE MÉXICO 7 de noviembre (Quadratín México).- Petróleos Mexicanos carece de...
Iulian Gavriluta Azi, 8 nov. Biserica Ortodoxa ii sarbatoreste pe Sfintii Arhangheli Mihail si Gavriil, cei mai cunoscuti in traditia bisericii. Ziua de 8 noiembrie a inceput a fi praznuita in Biserica ca sarbatoare a ingerilor, in veacul al cincilea si s-a raspandit repede in tot Rasaritul crestin. Biserica ne invata ca sunt duhuri slujitoare, slugi credincioase lui Dumnezeu, trimisi de acesta sa fie prieteni si ocrotitori ai oamenilor... (mai multe pe NEWS BUZAU)
Sayo Ogundiran-Martin This is going to have pretty big implications on search
Google Have Big Plans for Authorship- You Should Too
Where content gets posted has always been incredibly important to Google. They have been using signals such as page rank to indicate the authority of a site for a while now. Websites that have built up authority and respect...
Dubie Bacino (LION) "There will be times when your income is zero and you just might as well plan for that right now," Becky McCray told me. She is a resident of Hopeton, Oklahoma (population 30), cattle rancher, liquor store owner, and co-author (with Barry J. Moltz) of Small Town Rules, which, among other things, introduced me to the concept of "planning for zero."
Small Town Rules: Author Becky McCray on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
Social Media - There will be times when your income is zero and you just might as well plan for that right now, Becky McCray told me. She is a resident of Hopeton, ...
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